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public class RelationViewPlus
extends RelationView
implements BasicDataSource

Variable Index

 o numberOfSpecialFeatures
 o triggerListeners

Constructor Index


Method Index

 o addTriggerUIListener(TriggerUIListener)
 o close()
 o getColumnType(int)
 o getColumnValue(int)
 o getCurrentRowNumber()
 o getDataName(String)
 o getScale(int)
 o getSpecialFeature(int, int)
Returns a special value for the getvalue Method.
 o getStateString(byte)
This method is used to retrieve the current state of this Record as a String
 o getTotalNumberOfRows()
 o getValue(int, int)
Implementing the basicDataSource Interface
 o removeTriggerUIListener(TriggerUIListener)
 o setColumnValue(int, Object)
 o setName(String)
 o setSpecialFeature(int, int, Object)
 o setValue(Object, int, int)
 o triggerUI()


 o numberOfSpecialFeatures
public final int numberOfSpecialFeatures
 o triggerListeners
protected java.util.Vector triggerListeners


 o RelationViewPlus
public RelationViewPlus(Request request) throws SQLException
 o RelationViewPlus
public RelationViewPlus(AutoDetail detail) throws SQLException


 o addTriggerUIListener
public synchronized void addTriggerUIListener(TriggerUIListener mds)
 o close
public void close()
 o getColumnType
protected int getColumnType(int column) throws SQLException
 o getColumnValue
protected java.lang.Object getColumnValue(int column) throws IOException, SQLException
 o getCurrentRowNumber
public int getCurrentRowNumber()
 o getDataName
public java.lang.String getDataName(String pattern) throws SQLException
 o getScale
protected int getScale(int column) throws SQLException
 o getSpecialFeature
protected java.lang.Object getSpecialFeature(int column,
                                             int offset)
Returns a special value for the getvalue Method. These special features are defined in an array of strings.

column. - the special feature column ( < 0 )
offset. - the row for the special feature
 o getStateString
public java.lang.String getStateString(byte state)
This method is used to retrieve the current state of this Record as a String

The current state of this Record as a String. The state can be one of the following values: "Existing" The record exists in database "Modified" The record has been modified "New" The record has no data and doesn't exist in database "Marked for Deletion" The record is marked for deletion "Deleted" The record has been deleted "Invalid" The record is in undefined state. "New Modified" The record is new with data
 o getTotalNumberOfRows
public int getTotalNumberOfRows()
 o getValue
public java.lang.Object getValue(int row,
                                 int column)
Implementing the basicDataSource Interface

 o removeTriggerUIListener
public synchronized void removeTriggerUIListener(TriggerUIListener mds)
 o setColumnValue
protected void setColumnValue(int column,
                              Object value) throws IOException, SQLException
 o setName
public void setName(String name) throws SQLException
setName in class RelationView
 o setSpecialFeature
protected void setSpecialFeature(int column,
                                 int offset,
                                 Object value)
 o setValue
public void setValue(Object value,
                     int row,
                     int column)
 o triggerUI
protected void triggerUI()

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